Own Your Square! 5 Ways to Use Style to Show Up Bigger (& Better!) On Zoom

Regardless of whether you’ve returned to a traditional office, continue to work from home or use your computer primarily to connect with family and friends, chances are video technology is still a big part of your life, even as the pandemic wanes.

With winter weather arriving, it’s also likely that you’ll rely on your desktop, tablet, and phone cameras to conduct meetings and the like when foul weather causes a disruption to in-person plans.

Here are five fresh ideas to use style to “own your square!”

#1 Add Color
This sounds simple enough yet it’s easy to revert back to dark neutrals that are great to own yet not often effective on zoom, especially if you don’t have a lighting specialist on call! Commit to having 4-5 tops in colors and styles you love at the ready for zoom calls. Your psyche (and fellow Zoomers) will thank you!




#2 Know Your Neckline
In a nutshell, “owning the square” is more about having people instantly connect with you and what you have to say rather than focused on what you’re wearing. Use your neckline to set you up to be heard on a whole new level. All necklines can work. Make sure they fit, flatter and don’t call attention away from what you have to share!




#3 Consider Dresses
Yes, leggings are here to stay and are very practical when sitting for long hours on any type of conference call. Yet a dress with some stretch can be as comfortable as pants, including leggings. Extra Bonus: They can add extra polish when moving between in-person and virtual meetings in the same day.



#4 Frame with Layers
Jackets and sweaters that provide a contrast with your back-ground are great for “framing.” Up against white walls? Wear dark and/or bright layers. The opposite holds true for dark walls.




#5 Make a Statement
Well-placed jewelry can add a lot. Think bold necklaces, earrings and pins that bring the eye up while adding just enough visual interest to make you shine!




Last Word: We’d love to help you learn more about styles that work for you. We are here to help. Virtual and in-person services are available, or email us to set up a complimentary connect call so we can learn more about you and recommend just the right approach for you.

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